Monday, February 10, 2014

Defination of environmental science

Environmental Science
Environmental science can be defined as the systematic study of our environment          ,i.e., earth, air, water, and living environments and our place in it. Environmental science is a multidisciplinary academic field that integrates physical and biological sciences, (including but not limited to ecology, physics, chemistry, biology, soil science, geology, atmospheric science and geography) to the study of the environment, and the solution of environmental problems.
A key aspect of the environmental science is the “interrelatedness” of things, the influence that one thing, action or change may have on one another.

Significance of studying environmental science
Life is a function of the environment. So we need a finer environment for a better quality of life. All living things strive for better life. Environmental science enables us to take steps in making a more beautiful world.

By studying environmental science
Ø  We can learn what to do to protect and keep intact our environment, preserve natural resources and protect the habitats of endangered species
Ø  Educating and helping others for avoiding pollution of rivers, oceans, soils, air, etc

 It helps us to
·               To gain a complete clear concept about our environment
·               Proper use and management of our environment and resources
·               Discovering the interaction between living and nonliving part of the environment
·               Have clear knowledge about the factors disturbing important cycles  and  systems
·               Indicate the factors disturbing these cycles
·               Prevent pollution and control of pollutant sources
·               To take appropriate decision in proper time
·               To raise the standard of living.

One very important goal of studying ENV is sustainability. Definition varies depending on the purposes like social, economic, or environmental sustainability……in short, it is the ability of system to sustain longer, instead of simply getting some early benefits or profits.  not….just like killing the goose to get all the gold eggs at once .
It is the ability of a specified system to survive and function over time. Sustainability is the management of natural resources and the environment with the goal of allowing the harvest of resources to remain at or above some specified level.
 The United Nations defines (1987) sustainable development as,
"Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

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